BestStart Fendalton Community Walk


We are so lucky for our centre to be situated where it is, right in the heart of Fendalton, with so many wonderful local landmarks and places of historical significance. We love to get out into our community and have these special trips link in with our tamariki interests. With the changing seasons and interest in the book ‘What the Ladybird Heard,’ the kaiako decided that it was about time we went and experienced some of these animals in person. With Mona Vale being so close by, and its well-known flock of feathered residents, this seemed like the perfect place for a Thursday morning stroll.    The tamariki were very excited to go and we spent a great deal of the morning talking about what we might see on our walk, with the tamariki particularly excited to feed the ducks and geese.    On our travels to Mona Vale we talked about the different things we could see, feel, and hear. With our tamariki sharing their knowledge with each other and their kaiako, highlights included the big red buses and noisy motorbikes on Fendalton Rd, the colourful leaves on the trees and on the ground, and we even had a special surprise seeing a yellow digger in the river digging out the bank.    Once we were at the right spot for feeding the birds, we each took turns to scoop out some bird seed and throw it to the ducks and geese, who were not shy to jump onto the bank and investigate the giggling and squealing coming from the buggies.    We also loved getting to jump out and explore the rose garden, with a few of our tamariki testing their gardening skills with sticks, whilst the others played hide and seek with their kaiak