BestStart @ Home
For 4 and a half weeks as a nation we stayed home to save lives, while at home BestStart Waiuku maintained connections with parents, whanau and children to share learning and play ideas that can be done in the comfort of home.
Teachers read stories and sung songs into the camera to bring joy to the children at the other end with favourites like The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Old McDonald. PJ/Onesies day was a hit and great reason to snuggle in on a weekday spring morning. As a nation we headed out into our local community to go on a bear hunt and share the photos with each other of what we found.
Lots of gardening, arts and crafts ideas were shared, and then hut building with boxes became a new normal, baking competitions where also shared for those fortunate enough to be able to get their hands on flour.
Karen (Kaiako) shared videos of our fish, axolotls and chickens being cared for and fed while we watched her videos checking the eggs each day and Rhonda (kaiako) shared her cows being milked in her backyard.
While we were in lockdown, we celebrated Easter with colouring competitions, egg hunts and then ANZAC day followed shortly after where Jordyn (Kaiako) gave ANZAC biscuit baking demonstrations and more colouring in to replace the bears in the windows.
While lockdown was hard without face to face contact, we appreciated the time away with our own beautiful families and are now excited to welcome everyone back to play.