BestStart Manukau Fundraise for Plunket
BestStart Manukau feels proud to have supported Plunket during their Annual Plunket Fundraiser Week. Our teachers and tamariki had so much fun planning ahead and organising resources for the eventful week.
The Kiwi and Kōtare Room tamariki and pepes did a wonderful job at planting their very own little money trees in blue painted yoghurt pots. They watered them and had them ready for sale! The disco and the Colour Run event was a success in this centre. The children brought their entre fees in with great excitement for these events. Over in the Kōtare Room the babies enjoyed putting blue icing on their biscuits and enjoyed it for afternoon tea with some blueberry smoothie.
The tamariki in the Kotuku Room made colourful bead bracelets, prepared fruit salad, created artwork and had beautiful portrait pictures taken for their parents and whanau to purchase.
The children across the centre were so thrilled when the big blue Plunket Bear came to visit them and took photos with them to say thank you. Altogether our centre raised $1100 for Plunket! Thank you to all our tamariki for their awesome creativity and to their families/ whanau for their support during the Plunket Appeal week.