BestStart Milson Line's Holiday Programme!

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Here at BestStart Milson Line, teachers look at ways to support children's literacy and numeracy through planned learning experiences. This promotes school readiness from an early age, including our infants. Teachers and children worked collaboratively to come up with some fun ideas on what would make a fun holiday program. Some of the contributions made by children were ideas such as making our own playdough, making slime and potions as well as some other activities like dress-up days and sports days.

In group settings, children learn how to take turns, negotiate with their peers and teachers, as well as make contributions to the learning environment through shared understanding of their thoughts, ideas and feelings of others. Children learn to consider the feelings of the group to ensure everyone is able to participate, which promotes justice and fairness. 

Through making their own playdough, children learn to read from a recipe, count and measure out ingredients. Making potions introduces children to science concepts as teachers discuss chemical reactions when different ingredients are mixed together. Children make predictions and use problem-solving skills to figure out what the outcome might be. 

If you are looking for a new learning experience for your child in the New Year, we encourage you to make a booking to come in and a visit our centre to see what other great ideas and planned learning experiences your child could be a part of!