BestStart North Road had a Little Lamb

We really value the connections that we have with our whanau and today we were so lucky that George from the Paihamu rooms whānau bought in some lambs to share with us and even bought some Milk so we could give them bottles- thank you so much. The tamariki absolutely loved this experience. Giving out lots of pats, calling over the lambs and even copying the lambs baas. 

This fits in with some of our group learning around manaakitanga (showing kindness and caring natures) and kaitiakitanga (guardianship and caring for those around us - especially those smaller than us) Te Whaariki explains that an important part of tamariki's learning is through experiences with and taking care of Animals. 

Through these experiences that whanau are providing we are enriching the tamarikis learning through exploration. Te Whaariki also explains that curriculum and pedagogy recognise that family and community are integral to learning and development, with every child situated within a set of nested contexts that includes not only the ECE setting but also the home, whānau, community and beyond So the learning that occurs through involving and allowing whanau to participate in our curriculum is invaluable.