BestStart Parkside DIY Projects
At BestStart Parkside, Kaiako and Tamariki are learning to build and make teaching resources themselves. We are motivated to do more sustainable projects with the children and to include our families for support with whatever we plan to teach.
Our very passionate Kaiako Swazi initiated this project, fetched some loose parts, and asked parents if they had something at home to add to this project. In a couple of days, we had enough materials to finish our very own mini busy board, which the children really enjoy playing with. Children are learning to use tools, such as screwdrivers and hammers, safely. They are learning to recycle materials in a meaningful way. Kaiako are learning to trust children with tools and empowering the children by using the skills they have to help in the centre.
BestStart Parkside children are learning to share responsibility and because they are the ones who make things, they tend to respect what they make and protect it. Woodwork and carpentry projects foster fine motor skills, enable children to test their working theories, and make sense of the materials and things in their environment. Busy boards are great resources to spark conversations, around the laws of physics and other science topics. Above all, we all had fun making this resource.