BestStart St Albans Set for School Programme


At BestStart St Albans, as part of our 'set for school' program for our four-year-olds, we do lunchbox day. As we have an onsite cook who makes all our food, the tamariki are used to eating hot food for lunch with bowels and spoons. So, to get them ready for school, one day a week, our cook makes the 4-year-olds lunchboxes. They all sit together on a picnic rug and have to work through the challenges of balancing their lunchboxes, opening and closing them as well as the smaller container, saving food for the whole day as well as recognizing their names on the lid as they are all identical. To extend on this learning, we took some of the four-year-olds to the local supermarket to buy the food for their lunchboxes as well as prepare them when we returned to preschool. The tamariki had so much fun picking what fruit, veggies, crackers, hummus and yoghurt they wanted. When we started to prepare the lunchboxes, the tamariki had to make choices about what they wanted in their sandwiches as well as what shape to cut them into. Look at how well our tamariki did at cutting the fruit and veggies with the safety knives!