Bike Day at BestStart Oamaru Kindy

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This month at BestStart Oamaru Kindy we held a special wheels day for our tamariki!  Everyone brought along their bike, scooter or ride on to Kindy and the kaiako (teachers) set out a big track to go right around our big playground. The tamariki couldn’t wait to get out there and show off their wheels to each other and soon the entire centre was going around and around the track! 

Physically active play such as riding bikes and scooters supports our children to gain increasing control over their bodies as they use both large and small muscles. Not only does riding bikes and scooters encourage our physical development but being physically active also supports our mental and emotional health too!  

For more information about the benefits of physically active play check out the link below to the BestStart 16 Areas of Play 

Once our tamariki had had a turn riding their bikes they also got a chance to role play as they took their bikes and scooters through a pretend car wash or to fill up at the petrol pump. In the afternoon our tamariki also got to take care of their bikes and scooters by washing them with some bubbly water! 

Wheels day was a great way to encourage our tamariki to work with and alongside each other as they negotiated taking turns on each other’s bikes or scooters, worked together to clean the different rides and acted out the role of the petrol station attendant. We look forward to having you join us for our next wheels day!