Bringing Books to life
Your child will love acting out their favourite story, whether walking in the park, in the garden or even around the house. Children love to pretend and when you join in it gets even more exciting.
How to do it.
Read a story/rhyme together and discuss which character you each want to be. Perhaps there are other family and friends who would also like to join in. Consider the props you might want to bring this story alive, e.g. dress-ups or kitchen utensils such as bowls and spoons. Consider creating caves and homes with blankets and cushions – you may even like to close the curtain and use a torch to create a spooky atmosphere! Put some enthusiasm into your story telling or rhymes and discus what is happening within the story.
There are so many stories and rhymes that can be acted out such as:
- Were going on a bear hunt.
- A summery Saturday morning.
- The three Billy Goats Gruff.
- The three little pigs.
- Miss Polly had a dolly.
- Five little Speckled frogs.
- Incy Wincy Spider.
This is a great opportunity to learn new words and create a love of books.
Encourage your child to think of some alternative versions of their favourite story – this is a great way to encourage creativity.