Canvas Painting

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Over the past 2 months we have working on a canvas for the entrance way, throughout this process we have let the children explore many different of art tools, we have been able to freely let the children explore, create and express their creativity through the process of making this canvas. We have been layering the canvas so that the canvas creates a representation of the creativity that children have made.

The dispositions linked to the process of creating a layered canvas painting is that it allows children to understand patience, perseverance, and dedication.

This particular activity was done over a couple of months allowing for all of the children an opportunity to take part and make their mark. Creating something like this allows for a collaborative effort, an opportunity for each individual to create something of their own, which in turn creates something bigger, a collaborative work with one extraordinary result.

This allowed for the children to explore in a way they chose to, opening up all of their senses with no limits. Teaching 'respect' within the process and the space in which they were with each other and practicing mindfulness while having fun.