Car games

Car games

A great time to chat with your child is when you are driving in the car. It’s an opportunity to talk about their day, play games, sing songs and reflect on what can be seen outside the window.

Driving from A to B doesn’t have to be boring. Here are some ideas for car games your child will love.

I Spy

Traditionally ‘I spy’ is a game where we are challenged to find something that can be seen that starts with a particular letter. E.g. I spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter B. If your child is younger you may like to introduce this game using colours instead of letters, e.g. I spy with my little eye something red.


Can you teach your child any new songs or nursery rhymes from your own childhood? Perhaps you can learn one from your child, showing them that you can be a learner too!

Transport Spotting

  • Who can see a bike? A train? A Truck? 
  • Why do we have trucks? 
  • How is each type of transport different? – make comparisons
  • You could also count how many of each colour car you can see

Which animal am I?

Everyone takes turns thinking of an animal and describing it until someone guesses the answer. " I am big, I am grey, I have a long trunk."

These fun games will develop your child’s communication and memory skills.