Caring for the environment
At BestStart Harrison Street we are proud of all the things we do to make the world a better place. We provide wet bags for all our families to reduce the use of plastic bags. We also reuse our bread bags so that they are not just used the one time. When we go on excursions, we take the bus, it’s free and reduces our carbon footprint on our natural world. As well we take the opportunity to walk to our destination, to admire gardens, and talk about our wider community.
We recycle plastic bottles for water play, cut down bottles for mini glass houses for our young seedlings, buy second hand authentic resources such as teapots milk jugs, saucepans to extend our young minds in many areas of play such as water, sand, playdough, and family play. We grow produce that we not only use in the centre for kai but our whanau are able to access our gardens to take what they need to provide kai at home. During the year, tamariki made their own bees wax lunch wraps to reduce the use of plastic food wrap.