Celebrating Christmas together

Wow we can not believe it is the end of 2020 already!  Our Tamariki and their whanau have been busy enjoying many end of year celebrations and learning experiences over the last couple of weeks.  

Our Children's Christmas party at the local park was a huge success with face painting, sausage sizzle, a letters to santa station, a christmas photo booth AND a visit from Santa we had a wonderful turn out with many very happy and excited tamariki.  

Recently we enjoyed some special learning around how we can support others at Christmas time.  We hosted a "dress up and donate day" where our tamariki were invited to dress up in festive outfits for the day and bring a long an item on non perishable kai that we could donate to our local pataka kai shed.  We were overwhelmed with an amazing response from our whanau and a group of our tamariki were able to enjoy a hikoi with a trolley full of kai to share with those in need in our community.  The children and kaiako talked about how christmas is a special time where we can gift to others.  The local newspaper even heard of our adventure and want to put us in the paper!  

Our pepi group also enjoyed a special Christmas excursion to the local music and movement group where they danced away and celebrated Christmas with our friends in the community.  We are so lucky to have so many adventures out and about in our community.  We have a special connection with the local groups and members of our community and feel so proud to be living our vision as we support our little town Te Aroha.  Meri Kihirimete