Celebrating Collaboration with Whānau


2022 was a challenge for everyone and throughout the year, BestStart Kaiwharawhara learned that concise, clear communication was a key factor for whānau to make decisions that worked best for their tamariki, wider whānau and work.

Opportunities to gather together were limited throughout the year but as the communities began to open again we were able to reinvigorate the collaboration between kaiako, tamariki and whānau.

The build up to Christmas was busy with many festive experiences with the highlight being the Messy Play Days in December. Whānau often ask what the benefits of messy play are so we provided ‘hands on’ experiences so they could see and feel the benefits themselves. Seeing the smiles, hearing the laughing and the korero highlighted the importance of having a community with can access each other, build relationships with other whānau and kaiako.

We have been lucky enough to be included in the early Reading Together programme which supports parents with reading at home. This programme is proudly a New Zealand product, designed for New Zealand tamariki and whānau. The importance of understanding the parents role in reading at home, navigating the barriers that prevent reading at home and being able to share ideas that support this are vital and helpful within the community.

Our Whānau Day was a celebration of connection and reconnecting for many. With so many families starting with us this year and several school leavers ending their journey, this experience allowed so many to meet, greet and make connections. These connections will offer additional support on a more personal level with opportunities to make lifelong friendships.

The connection between kaiako and whānau is so important and we value these connections to the highest degree.

If you would like to be part of our community, experience the aroha, our commitment to your tamaiti (child) and build meaningful relationships, book a visit and together we can be part of your tamariki growth and development.