Celebrating Creativity: Learning from Artist of the Month


At Montessori Johnsonville, we love to inspire our students with the creativity and ingenuity of talented artists from around the world. This month, Rūma Āniwaniwa were thrilled to explore the whimsical and vibrant world of Kim Baise; renowned Papier-Mâché artist. Known for her playful and colorful sculptures, particularly her delightful ice cream masterpieces, Baise’s work provides the perfect opportunity for our tamariki to explore their artistic talents. 

Introducing Kim Baise as our Artist of the Month allows our students to explore a new medium and appreciate the beauty of Papier-Mâché art. We start by sharing her biography and showcasing a variety of her works, with a special focus on her famous ice cream sculptures. Students learn about Baise’s artistic process, including how she uses paper, glue, and paint to create her whimsical pieces. After gaining an understanding of Baise’s techniques and style, our tamariki got hands-on experience by recreating her iconic ice cream masterpieces. 

They begin by crafting the basic shapes of their ice cream cones and scoops using paper mache. This involves layering strips of paper dipped in a flour-glue mixture over a form until it achieves the desired shape. Once dried, the fun really begins as students paint their sculptures in bright, cheerful colors, mimicking Baise’s vibrant palette. While the goal is to recreate Baise’s ice cream sculptures, we encouraged tamariki to add their unique twists. 

Whether it’s a new flavor, an extra scoop, or a creative topping, each child’s piece reflects their individual creativity. This project not only taught them the technical skills of Papier-Mâché but allowed them to express their personal artistic visions. The culmination of this project is a classroom display where tamariki had their Papier-Mâché ice cream masterpieces are showcased. This exhibition allows them to celebrate their hard work and creativity with their hoa (friends), kaiako (teachers), and whānau (family). 

It’s a wonderful way to build confidence and foster a sense of accomplishment and belonging. We look forward to continuing to explore the works of other inspiring artists in the months to come.