Celebrating Diversity: Embracing Unity on Culture Day


Our preschool recently celebrated Culture Day, aligning perfectly with our May theme, "My Family." The children arrived dressed in traditional clothing representing their diverse backgrounds, creating a vibrant tapestry of cultures within our school. The day's events began with a showcase of Chilean culture. 

Parents and their child performed a traditional Chilean dance and introduced us to a traditional Chilean game, filling the morning with energy and joy. In the afternoon, we explored Korean culture. Korean parents and their tamariki shared traditional Korean music, accompanied by dynamic drum performances that captivated everyone present. 

Adding to the excitement, a Chilean performer volunteered to tell and act out the story of "The Lion and the Mouse," enthralling the tamariki with this dramatic retelling. The day concluded with the tamariki engaging in Japanese origami art and craft, allowing them to express their creativity while learning about another culture. It was indeed a day full of enjoyment and learning, as our preschool community came together to celebrate the rich diversity that makes us unique. 

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of you who participated in our Culture Day. Your efforts in showcasing your unique cultures truly enriched the experience for everyone.