Celebrating Diwali


At BestStart Te Awamutu, we value diversity and the inclusion of various cultural celebrations in our curriculum. Recently, we had the delight of celebrating Diwali – the festival of lights. During the week leading up to Diwali, we embarked on an immersive cultural journey. We were introduced to Indian customs, such as creating Rangoli art with vibrant colours, making Diya lamps out of clay, henna, and learning traditional dances. 

Our centre environment was transformed with handmade decorations, symbolising the vibrant colours and joy associated with the festival. To truly celebrate Diwali, we invited our families to join in our festivities. It was wonderful to see parents and caregivers eagerly volunteer to share their personal Diwali experiences, stories, and traditional delicacies. Their involvement reinforced the importance of such cultural celebrations, enriching our curriculum with first hand experiences. 

Our centre philosophy is deeply intertwined with recognising and embracing the uniqueness of each child. Through the inclusion of cultural celebrations into our curriculum, we ensure that every child feels valued and respected, in turn fostering a sense of belonging for our children.