Celebrating Maria Montessori's 153rd Birthday

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In celebration of Maria Montessori's 153rd birthday, we created a timeline of her life in recognition of her accomplishments and teaching philosophy worldwide. 

There are over 15,000 Montessori schools in the world! Our Montessori Otumoetai parents and whanau were able to learn about her life and the hurdles she overcame to make what Montessori is today. 

The kaiako and akonga made special birthday cakes to mark this occasion, carrot cake and chocolate cakes.... delicious! We had a wonderful time with our Montessori Otumoetai whanau sharing kai and celebrating Montessori. "The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school but for life" - Maria Montessori 

Some of our tamariki also went to Montessori Bellevue Primary School to visit the "Montessori Bird House Cafe" as part of their celebrations. The children worked very hard in organizing this event with menus, table settings, waitresses, waiters, cooks, live music, and games for us to all play. We also got to see our siblings there too and celebrate this special milestone with them. Such a fun day spent with our wider Montessori community. 

"The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn" - Maria Montessori