Celebrating Matariki with tamariki
At BestStart Portage Road, we respect and acknowledge the Triti O Waitangi and implement Te Ao Maori in our practice. Kaupapa Maori is evident in our sustainable practice which we incorporate in our curriculum. Whānau engagement is also very important to us as we value whānau involvement in their child’s learning.
We have been singing the Waiata; Waiti, Waita, Waipunarangi and dancing to the Makarena beat. We have been reading the story ‘Together in Love, The Legend of Matariki’. To understand this story better, we have been doing role play which has strengthen our understanding of Nga Atua and the formation of Matariki Stars which we gaze during the month of Matariki.
Our tamariki have been doing activities such as decorating stars, weaving mats, making poi and dancing with it. Taking part in these activities, the children have been able to build on their motor skills, hand and eye coordination, communication skills, social skills numeracy, and literacy skills.
We made soup from the vegetables that we grew in our garden and some of the vegetables that were brought from home by our tamariki. Making soup was an effort from everyone at Kindy and a great learning as well. It was a yummy soup and all the tamariki and the Kaiako enjoyed it for lunch. Making soup at Kindy enabled the children to learn about different types of vegetables and the importance of eating vegetables and healthy kai. They also learnt the concept of sharing food and giving and taking turns.
The centre has also invited the Shadow Puppeteers to perform for our children. They shared stories of the Maori Legends; ‘Maui and the Sun and Maui and the Fish’. This has really strengthened the children’s knowledge around Maori Legends as their learning was extended on how Maui slowed the sun and How Maui caught the biggest Fish which signifies the North Island of Aotearoa.
As our centre comes together to celebrate Matariki with the Whanau, the kai room is cleared and decorated. The food set up in the kai Room and the Kitchen smells delicious. This was a collaboration of the all the teachers, the whanau and the children and everyone worked together to make this event successful.
Our tamariki did the role play that we have been practicing about legend ‘Together in love, A Legend of Matariki’. We also sang Waiata and thanked each other for the collaboration and effort that we all have put together to make the event successful.