Christmas at BestStart Rototuna

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At BestStart Rototuna, we had an amazing Christmas with our whanau and children. It was a great opportunity to embrace the diversity within the community of children and families in our centre. We had games, water slides, bouncy castles, and a candy floss machine which was in high demand! 

Our lovely parents were so supportive and shared a variety of kai with us. It was great to see happy children and whanau. Lots of fun, laughter, presents, and wind-down time for teachers and parents. It was also a great opportunity to get to know our parents and share the learning journey of our children. 

Whanaungatanga and partnering with our whanau is our centre’s philosophy and together we stand strong with this. Christmas time with the children was a magical experience as they were busy throughout the month with Christmas artwork and carols. The teachers and children decorated the rooms with artwork and lots of lights which looked absolutely wonderful. We also had to say goodbyes to some of our children and whanau as they went for holidays and off to school. 

We ended the year 2023 with lots of memories to cherish and we're hopeful that 2024 will bring lots of positive learning and opportunities for our tamariki.