Community Visits


Here in the Tui room we are developing strong links to our community through our school and library visits. Our tamariki (children) are encouraged to live out our centre values of manaakitanga (care, love) and whanaungatanga (family, connections) as we create a koha (gift), form friendships and rediscover old ones at our local school. 

Our school trips offer our tamariki (children) the opportunity to explore the environment and create an understanding of what it means to be ready for school. On our last trip to Aririra Springs Primary School our tamariki were able to meet their Kaiako (teachers), see their classroom, and familiarize themselves with the morning routine. Our Tui tamariki loved discovering the Aririra Springs resources and playground! 

Our library trips offer our tamariki (children) the opportunity to discover new and exciting pukapuka (books). The library story times support our tamariki (childrens) pre-literacy skills and interest in reading. Our tamariki (children) are encouraged to have a great respect for books and all the wonderful knowledge it gives us. We show this through our value of manaakitanga (care, love) by giving a koha (gift) to the librarians. Our Tui tamariki love the interactive stories and sharing our borrowed books with everyone in our room.