Connecting in lockdown
"Wow, what a journey the last few weeks have been! Although we were unable to see our BestStart Hastings Central tamariki and their whanau face-to-face, we kept in touch and saw some incredible learning happen at home!
We had daily community posts with suggested activities and promptings for interaction from our wonderful kaiako over the last few weeks, and the feedback has been great. Photos, comments and feedback were coming in on a daily basis, and we could literally see our tamariki grow up right in front of our (virtual) eyes!
Some have been keeping busy doing all sorts of creative activities, baking and going for walks with their mum and dad.
Others been "helping" mum doing some office work from home and one of our boys even enjoyed playing in his dad's giant truck!
Many of our tamariki have enjoyed making and playing with playdough, making ANZAC day poppies, and spending extra special quality time with mum and dad.
Following on from a suggested activity, many tamariki loved building and playing in huts and hammocks suspended under dining room tables.
Not to mention outdoor exploration in the garden, challenging gross motor muscles on obstacle courses, and being creative with pen and paper!
We also had other feedback from more families who were not quite able to comment or post photos on our daily activities - and it sounds like everyone has been enjoying the online learning journey that we have endeavoured to support you in.
We are so proud of each and every one of our parents for doing such an amazing job of being parents-as-first-teachers during this lockdown time. We can't wait to have you all back at the centre, and to catch up on everything that has been happening in your and your precious tamariki's lives.
Noho ora mai - take care, and see you all very soon!"