Connecting with Our Community at BestStart Dixon Heights


We have been fortunate enough to have Greg from Little Ballers come into our centre this month. We have run two sessions with Greg, one for the pre-schoolers and one with our toddlers. Greg has planned activities that would be relatable and beneficial to the particular age groups. Greg works in groups of around 8 tamariki (children) at a time to ensure that every tamaiti (child) gets some quality 1 on 1 time.

Unfortunately, the rain set in for our youngest tamariki (children), but they were very excited to be able to attend this inside in the warm. Tamariki (children) have learnt a range of play activities from rolling, throwing, catching, and passing the balls around. They have also worked with a range of size balls, which has helped with their muscle development.

The use of ball skills in early childhood is fantastic for hand-eye coordination, gross and fine motor skills, spatial awareness, grasping skills, problem-solving skills and balance. All of these skills are essential in the lives of our younger tamariki (children). It is also wonderful to see the language and social skills that tamariki (children) have engaged in. Also lovely to make special connections with people like Greg from our local community which links to our centre priority – Partnership.