Cook Island Language week Celebration
Enacting our values of aroha, respect and communication, we celebrated Cook Island language week at the centre. Cultural diversity is promoted where we see each and very child and their families culture is celebrated within our centre programmes.
Our Tamariki and Kaiako looked beautiful and elegant in an island style attire and a huge thank you to our Everglade whanau who also were part of this celebration. Linking to tapasa document turu 1, this celebration showed evidence of our centre Kaiako are demonstrating awareness of the diverse and ethnic-specific identities, languages and cultures of Pacific learners.
Diversity is reflected in the environment, displays, language and as we engage learners in authentic learning contexts so that they build a strong understanding of tangata whenua as we learn what partnership looks like in our practices. We have cultural richness in our centre which makes us so bright and colorful Beststart Everglade Centre. Diversity makes us special beautiful and strong.