Cook Island Language Week


Kia orana! Cook Islands Language Week is the official annual celebration of the language, culture, and beauty of the Cook Islands. During the dates of the 4th to the 10th of August, we at BestStart Kauri Flats explored the many attributes of Cook Islands language and culture to appreciate and encourage the building of connections with the community. 

The Ministry for Pacific Peoples has organised the event to promote the language and culture of the Cook Islands in Aotearoa New Zealand. In BestStart Kauri Flats, we engaged the tamariki to take park in a variety of activities including arts and crafts activities such creating Cook Island flags and Ei (flower garlands), engaging in Cook Islands song and dance, story time, Cook Islands themed face painting, and eating traditional Cook Islands food. 

We ended the week with a flowery/colourful dress up. During the week, the kaiako encouraged use of Cook Island Māori language – teaching the tamariki words and greetings in the language through waiata during mat time, stories and legends of the Cook Islands, teaching the tamariki about the islands (including where it is located on the map), and learning about the official flower of the Cook Islands – the Tiare Maori (the gardenia). This week long event is a vital part of making connections to the local communities, and teaching the tamariki about the many cultures living in Aotearoa New Zealand. Meitaki, BestStart Kauri Flats.