Creating links with our community

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BestStart Whangaparaoa is lucky to be situated as part of the Coast Plaza complex. All of the major retailers are within walking distance to our centre and we strive to build relationships with these retailers as all of our children Walk past on their way into or out of the centre with their family. 

This supports us to engage in conversations with children about what they are seeing outside of the centre. At BestStart Whangaparāoa we value our community and make links in our community so when we were asked to join our neighbours in a promotional week we jumped at the chance. 

During the last week of the school holidays, we had a pop-up shop which involved providing our community with fun activities, goodie bags, balloons, dress-ups and fun. We had a great time getting involved in our community, connecting with new families and reconnecting with whanau that had moved on. 

Connecting with our community is important to our teaching at BestStart Whangaparaoa as we value the local community as our curriculum. We utilise our community and whanau feedback to inform the learning that takes place daily for children. We look forward to having more opportunities to connect with our community again soon.