Creating our orchid and berry patch
The children at BestStart Petone went for a visit to Bunnings to collect some new trees for our centre. BestStart has been working to get more nature into their centres and today we went to pick up our allocation of trees for our centre from this 1000 trees project.
The children enjoyed getting their own trolley each and hunting around the garden centre to pick out our trees we could take back. The plan we have is to create our very own orchid and berry patch so these plants were also on our list to collect. This aligns with our centre vision of 'where the wild things come to play' and supporting our children to experience and learn more about our natural world.
To start off our planting we used Matariki as a time to plant a special tree to signify the start of the new year at our Matariki Disco events for our parents and whanau.
We are very thankful and excited about the learning opportunities this has provided for the children and will continue to provide once our tress and plants blossom.