Cultivation Experience

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Last week, we had set up water activity for children in the water trough. Teachers noticed that children were taking the water from the trough to water the plants. Seeing their interest in looking after plants, we organised a simple science experience with mung bean seeds. Children put cotton wool in disposable glasses and poured some water to make the cotton moist. Then children added a few mung beans seeds in each glass. The glasses are labelled with children’s names on it, so that every child has taken the responsibility to look after his/her plant. 

Through this activity, children will develop understanding – as they learn about cause and effect (for example, plants grow when they get water, sunlight, and air.   They also develop awareness about nutrition by learning about where fresh food comes from.

Children are keen to explore, investigate and learn about living things within their world. This activity will be observed over a period of time where children can watch how mung beans germinate and start to grow and how roots are form out of a bean seed.

Kaiako recognise the relationship children have with the environment. Children experience an environment where they have opportunities to develop knowledge about the natural world as they observe how plants grow and what they need for their wellbeing.