Cultural Diversity

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At BestStart Whangaparaoa, celebrating different cultures isn't just about recognition, it's about fostering a sense of belonging, understanding, and appreciation within our diverse community. 

Our new display in the entranceway shows our commitment to inclusivity and cultural richness. We have unpacked all of the cultures that make up BestStart Whangaparaoa and have asked our families to write 'welcome' and 'goodbye' in their language. We have laminated these and displayed them in our entranceway for everyone walking in and leaving our centre to see. 

By showcasing the various cultures in both welcome and goodbye, we strive to create an environment where every child, family, and staff member feels valued and respected for their unique backgrounds. Embracing cultural diversity not only enhances our sense of coming together but also provides learning opportunities for everyone involved. It has opened up many conversations about where our teachers are from too! 

We have linked this to our local community by adding pictures of our local beaches which also happens to be our classroom names. This is aligning our local community but also the cultures that make up BestStart Whangaparaoa and showing how we work in partnership. Through exposure to different cultures and languages, children develop empathy, open-mindedness, and a broader worldview. They learn to appreciate similarities and celebrate differences. 

We look forward to welcoming more families and supporting them to have a sense of belonging at BestStart Whangaparaoa.