Cultures and Languages

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Our tamariki have shown a growing interest in the world around them and our intention is to create a space where they can expand on their interest and ultimately share more of where they come from and who they are. Through an environment that embraces and reflects diversity through intentional learning experiences, provocations, and resources. They have so many amazing questions about where they come from, and where they live now. They love to learn about their cultures and languages and the cultures and languages of their Kaiako and peers. We have set up different provocations for our tamariki to learn more about the different places that are important to them and they have begun the journey of learning how to welcome each other in different languages! Creating a classroom culture filled with such collaboration and rich conversations. 

Some of the ways we have learned to greet our friends: 

“Morena” – Good morning in Māori

“Goeie more” – Good morning in Afrikaans

“Bonjour” – Hello in French

“Sawatdee tohn chao” – Good morning in Thai

“Dobroye utro” – Good morning in Russian

As Kaiako we take pride in our role of supporting our tamariki through this journey. We love being able to watch and encourage their natural curiosity and wonder as they take on the role of Ako, guiding and leading us as teachers. We look forward to seeing their interest in cultures, languages, and traditions grow as they continue to explore and discover through the different learning experiences we create, and their encounters with others from around the world. We look forward to watching each individual grow as they learn to express and manage their emotions and feelings in a safe and healthy way.