Developing skills and growing confidence
Georgia has now moved into our Il Sole Classroom at BestStart Montessori Bethlehem which has an increased focus on getting tamariki ready for school.
Building on her existing strengths and confidence, so far she has mustered up the courage to complete the monkey bars, started to practice writing numbers and worked on her cutting skills, just to name a few. The latest thing we are working on with her is writing her name. We particularly like to encourage this as we recognise now important children's names are to them and their whanau. Writing their name is always a great skill to master early as it gives them the independence to name their own work and prepare them well for school.
Today Georgia was working first with the sandpaper letters and then practicing tracing the letters in the sand tray. We will continue to practice her name using paper and crayons and soon she will be confident and capable to use a pencil. Great work Georgia keep up the good work!