Diwali at BestStart Montessori Taradale

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Diwali is an important celebration at BestStart Montessori Taradale as we have many Indian families who support us and join in with this every year with gusto.  We also have an amazing reliever called Renuka, who this year asked if she could organise our Diwali learning activities to share her culture with us.  As part of this planning process, we asked our Indian families if they would like to join us each day in our cooking, henna painting and shared morning tea.  We are blessed to have a group of parents who are so generous with their time and more than happy to come in and support all of us by sharing their culture too.

The children experienced henna painting on their hands, helped to make and then eat the yummy treats for our Diwali morning tea feast, dressed up in traditional Indian costumes and experienced some traditional Indian dancing.  Renuka shared the prayers and rituals with the children and they were able to join in with these if they wished to.

The culmination of these celebrations was an Indian dance performance by the teachers, which we then shared with our local Fiji Indian community at their Diwali celebrations.  What a great way to support our local community and show our focus on connecting community, whanau and centre.