Down The Right Path

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Today in our Totara Room, we set out a fun experience that followed an interest in vehicles and construction. Our kaiako set out some lines on the Tuff table and placed the construction vehicles and coloured stones in the sections. The tamariki spent a long time enjoying moving the stones around, sorting the colours, and working alongside their friends. 

By using their interests as a vehicle for learning, we are able to teach them in a way that is meaningful and important to them. This experience is wonderful for promoting communication, sharing ideas, turn-taking, imagination, and also using their fine motor skills as they controlled the vehicles and maneuvered the items around. It certainly generated a lot of noise - it's amazing how young children can mimic vehicles and make them sound industrious! 

Children see a lot of construction and road work in the real world, so this experience reflects and builds on their prior knowledge watching our roading network (and potholes) being fixed. Our Totara Room has a focus on helping our young children develop skills that will support their learning journey at school. Practicing and strengthening our fine motor skills through fun activities like this will help them develop the control they will need to hold a pencil and other school activities they will be learning.