Easter at BestStart Waikite Valley Kindy

Easter at BestStart Waikite Valley Kindy

Here at Waikite Valley Kindy Easter looked a little bit different as some of our families started to isolate.

The tamariki attending weren’t afraid to get their hands messy when the Easter activities came out, they engaged in messy play/art experiences allowing them to be creative and expressive. These activities opened up for loads of communication with their peers and Kaiako. These experiences also offered opportunities for the tamariki to develop their skills, using their senses to explore, challenging themselves in developing their fine motor and gross motor skills. 

We are big on whanau and community here at Waikite Valley so one of our Kaiako went out in the community and delivered some goodies and activities to our families isolating.

It was awesome to see the tamariki out on the farm with their families when our Kaiako was delivering their goodies. A few beeps from one of our tamariki in the tractor was a massive highlight, seeing their face light up to see us was awesome.

We also ran an Easter raffle, where the whanau donated some goods and brought tickets, we raised over $450 to buy some new resources for our centre and two lucky parents won some goodies!