Emma comes to visit

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Here at BestStart Parton Road we have a great relationship with one of our lovely local Plunket nurses Emma. Emma comes in and takes special mat times with our children, discussing different topic's on how we can keep fit, safe and healthy. 

This month Emma came and sat with the children and talked about "Sun Safety". Emma makes these mat times fun and "short and sweet" which keeps the children focused and engaged. What did our children like the best about this mat time, her funky glasses and the funny squirting noise she made when she pretended to put her sunblock on. 

Our children were super proud to tell Emma that they already had their sunblock on and Hats on outside that morning. We have some very sun smart children here but its always great to revisit this topic and remind our children how important it is to keep safe in this heat/sun. 

Our teachers are always ready to help our children with applying sunblock, however we love and appreciate the learning that comes with sensory experiences, so allowing our children to take responsibility and apply their own sunblock is a great chance to extend their learning and build those all important self help skills