Environment Stewardship


At BestStart Parkside, we are linking holistic development, which includes, cognitive thinking, spirituality, social emotional being, physical development and linguistic to sustainable fostering principles of environmental stewardship. Environmental stewardship which also links to Māori ethics of Taha Tinana and Kaitiakitanga, the practice of protection and conservation of the natural environment and the resources within it, on which people depend. 

It is considered an obligation of mana whenua to care for their lands and waters to which they whakapapa (have a genealogical relationship), where humans are seen as caretakers or guardians of the Earth, are often rooted in spiritual teachings. This encourages sustainable practices that ensure the well-being of future generations. My inquiry goal this year is to foster and promote sustainably in our centre. Getting the teachers, parents and children on board. Ways in which I have been achieving this by using reusable and recyclable materials to make teaching and learning resources with the children. 

I am so pleased to inform that our childrenare really benefiting from and enjoying participating in planning, designing and constructing teaching resources, games and creative things from, boxes, shredded paper, tubes, fabric, leaves, shells, drift wood, pine cones, flax leaves and stalks etc. I am encouraging and motivating the children to think outside the box, become innovative and problem solve by engaging these learning experiences, which is developing their cognitive thinking. Designing and construction includes using tools and equipment of various kinds, thus links to Technology. Games children make, fosters physical development, both fine and gross motor development takes place. 

Children are becoming interconnected to Papatuanuku/Mother earth, and learning to be the stewards of the environment.