Everyday Learning in the Preschool Room

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We support and facilitate children's play and learning through our sensitive interventions and with suitable strategies where necessary to enhance their learning and reach their potential.

We believe that all children have the right to access all learning experiences.

  •  Language and resources provided are inclusive of each child’s gender, ability, ethnicity, and background. 
  • We encourage children to develop their own interests and curiosity by embarking on longer-term projects that require perseverance and commitment.
  • The program provides activities for children to develop their strengths, interests, and abilities, such as in music, movement, language, construction, art, sorting and organizing, and doing things with others.
  • We listen to children’s ideas and questions and encourage them to feel positive about themselves. 
  • Children’s increasingly complex social problem-solving skills are encouraged, for example, through games and physically active, imaginative, and cooperative play. 
  • Children are helped to understand other people’s attitudes and feelings in a variety of contexts, for example, in play, conversations, and stories.
  • Children’s developing capacities and understanding about rules and social strategies are fostered through such routines as sharing and taking turn taking

 We play and learn alongside children and take every opportunity to enhance their learning and be prepared to go for more learning at their primary school.