Evie's Friend 'The Snail'

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Today Evie found a snail in the garden, picked it up and was so excited to show it to everyone. She held it so gently and asked if the snail was hungry. We talked about what the snail eats, picked up a leaf and put the snail on it to see if it would eat the leaf. There was lots of curiousity to find out more about the snail so you placed it down where you thought it might be comfortable and offered him some leaves and observed him. Some of the children feared the snail but Evie assured them the snail wouldn't hurt them and that it was okay to touch. The snail very quickly turned into her buddy and it crawled on her arms and legs as she carted him around everywhere. 

We took the snail back to the area we found it and Evie searched and searched. The teacher asked her what she was looking for she said, “I am looking for snail’s mum and dad.” Some of the children helped to look for the snail’s mum and dad but couldn’t find them. Evie spent a lot of time playing with the snail, talking about the parts of the snail and its habitat. When she was done, she left the snail on the leaf so that it could eat and wished him well before going off to lunch.