Excellent Exploration!!
Over the past month our tamariki have been busy exploring their environments and all of the activities and experiences on offer! Our tamariki have been utilizing the wonderful weather we have been having with showing us their amazing skills in the outdoors! This physically active play allows tamariki to use their energy, and gives them opportunities to develop gross and fine motor skills, try new challenges and play with and alongside others.
The tamariki were very excited to see the messy play out, they couldn’t wait to explore it!! Messy play can be a very soothing, relaxing experience. Through messy play our tamariki learn about their senses, colours, texture, and further develop their hand-eye coordination! Our tamariki have been exploring experiences and activities in groups, where they can share their ideas with each other, develop working theories, and practice their social skills such as verbal communication, sharing and turn taking and problem solving!
Music and movement has been another popular area of play this month, where the tamariki have been dancing together as they explore friendships, practice their motor skills and share ideas and moves. The tamariki have also enjoyed exploring our new musical instruments, where they can make their own music alongside their friends!
Through exploring arts and crafts our tamariki have been learning new ways to express their creativity and ideas while further developing their hand-eye coordination and their fine motor skills. They are also learning about size, shapes and colours through their creative art! It has been great to see all of our tamariki exploring, getting involved and engaging in lots of different activities and experiences this month!