Experimenting with Art

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Art is an important part of the daily routine for children at Dilworth Ave. At BestStart Dilworth Avenue, children are provided with opportunities to explore and experiment with art media. This allows them to learn through observation, exploration, and explanation, which is reflected in the inspiring, well-resourced learning environments at the centre.

 Art is often identified as a distinct area of play, where children learn through exploring and experimenting with art media. Engaging in and with different arts during early childhood will influence behaviors and attitudes that will support future learning in infants, toddlers, and young children. Learning and participating in the arts, whether in dance, music, drama, or visual art, fosters a child’s holistic development while cultivating their artistic abilities and knowledge.

 Art is an essential component of a well-rounded early childhood education. It provides children with opportunities to express themselves creatively, develop their cognitive and motor skills, and learn about the world around them. At Dilworth Ave we believe that It’s important to encourage tamariki to engage in art activities as part of their daily routine. Tamariki are given the opportunity to explore their creativity through art activities that are both fun and educational.