Exploration of the Living World

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Something that is really important to us as a teaching team, is noticing children's interests and using this as a vehicle for learning. One of our Fabulous Kaiako, Julie, found some snails at home to share with our tamariki. The snails that Julie brought in were a bit dry, as they have come through the summer and were in a mild hibernation phase. We discovered lots about snails today. We all loved the spiral on their shells, we discovered how to handle them gently, and we found out they like silver beet. We are learning to wash our hands after handling the creatures to keep ourselves safe, and also to be gentle with their fragile shells, and their small habitat. Through the snail interest we are developing a sense of kaitiakitanga (or guardianship) by providing children with regular opportunities to connect with the wider natural environment and nature. Our tamariki absolutey love these opportunity's. Our tamariki are getting so brave with our creatures we have brought into the centre and ask to look at them and care for them all the time encouraging and nurturing the gentle relationships between our children and the living world around us.