​Exploration, wonder and joy!

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Exploration, wonder, and joy. These are some of the words that we use to describe our children’s day in the Fantail (Under 2’s room). Dedicated and passionate teachers who are nurturing and have the best outcomes for children have recently reviewed the Under 2’s space and there have been some great changes made. When you enter the room you see pockets of space within the room that provide children with opportunities to explore in groups or on their own, Open-ended resources support children with problem-solving and leading their learning. Children know that this is their room, their space! Their photos, pepeha, and family photos are around the room and our children love to see not only their pictures but those of their friends.

Treasure baskets are filled with everyday items and are set up for the children to engage with. These baskets are based on Heuristic play, which encourages a child to discover or learn something for themselves. The benefits of heuristic play that we see in our children are creativity and imagination, fine and gross motor skill development, and an understanding of the world around them. This also fits perfectly with the skills your child will develop during their time here that will help them be Set for School when that time comes.