Exploring ideas and theories
Creativity, art, and self-expression is a passion and love within the room environment, our tamariki love to explore and test their learning abilities, ideas and thinking. We have a range of dress ups and accessories for our tamariki, literacy tables with support for name and letter recognition and art experiences that are supported and inspired from kaiako and tamariki. They have also been empowered to create and explore with their own ideas and theories. We have been fortunate enough to have whanau contribution that has supported and extended these interests strengthening links from home to centre creating greater sense of belonging for tamariki.
Painting can be used to support all strands of Te Whāriki. In particular, painting supports the Communication strand, where our tamariki discover and develop different ways to be creative and expressive, and also in the Exploration strand, where tamariki gain confidence in and control of their own bodies, including active exploration with all the senses and the use of tools, materials and equipment to extend skills.