Exploring Jello


In our Tahi room, we provide tamariki with a range of messy play experiences that allow them to explore, experiment, and have fun while learning about the texture and properties of different substances. We set up a Jello mould experience for tamariki to explore. 

They loved looking at the different pink sparkle shapes – butterflies, bees, and bears! They enjoyed picking them up so they could get a closer look at the pattern and shape of each one. Using their senses they experimented with what they could do and how they could use the Jello moulds. Pushing them across the board, squashing them into the tray, and squeezing them between their fingers were just some of the ways they were able to explore. 

Through this experience, tamariki are learning strategies for active exploration, using their senses to experiment and explore and sharing the learning space with their friends. Exploring experiences alongside others allows tamariki to develop vital skills that will help them build and extend relationships with their peers. Skills like turn-taking, sharing, verbal and non-verbal communication are examples of possible learning opportunities. Experiences like this support tamariki to become confident explorers which is our vision here at Blenheim Central.