Exploring our Local Neighbourhood!


Our tamariki are enjoying exploring our local neighbourhood as we have regular excursions throughout the week for all classes. What better way to enhance children’s oral language than a walk around the local area, spotting all our favourite things- diggers, aeroplanes, rubbish trucks and lots of dogs! 

These excursions provide such a wonderful opportunity for learning through play. Children are encouraged to immerse themselves in nature, exploring their own ideas about the natural world and closely observing the world around them. 

Our youngest pēpē use their senses to experience the natural world, feeling the smooth leaves and smelling the freshly cut grass in the park. Our pre-school children use digital cameras and pens and paper to document their observations on the trip, from colourful flowers to our native birds. 

Our tamariki are active learners, exploring their environment and making connections between their prior knowledge and what they observe around them. On our return to the centre, we use iPads and books to research further and encourage children to express their curiosity and ask and answer questions about what they have seen. 

As part of our centre philosophy, we encourage our tamariki to be kaitiaki, learning about how to care for Papatūānuku and the natural world around us.