Exploring Sand

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Sand play is a brilliant way for us to explore in lots of cool and exciting ways. As the Tamariki move their bodies in the sand, digging holes and shifting sand from one place to another they are able to work on their gross muscle development and the fine, controlled movements they use. 

This is all wonderful and important learning and supports the tamariki in areas such as pre-writing development. As well as this, there is ample opportunity to work on and further develop communication skills and work on basic science and maths concepts too. As everyone works together to build (and destroy) castles, towers, and other creations, the tamariki are able to further develop their social skills as they work together to achieve a common goal - or on their problem-solving skills if a difference in opinion occurs. 

Most importantly though, exploring in the sandpit is lots and lots of fun! It allows the tamariki to use their imagination, get creative, and actively explore in an exciting and fun way. At BestStart Whangaparaoa, you will often find tamariki and kaiako busy building and creating in one of the many sandpits that we have.