Exploring the world of animals

Exploring the world of animals

Over the last two months we have been exploring the world of animals. The children have particularly focused on big cats, after finding lots of lion, tiger and cheetah books at the Papamoa library. 

To round off our projects we often do a trip we decided to go to Paradise Valley Lion Park. We hired a big bus to take us all. At the park we had a wonderful time watching the lions and then exploring the wooded area; finding and feeding the birds, trout and farm animals. We had lots of our whaanau come along for the adventure. It is wonderful when our families get to know each other, forming friendships and having a fun day out together. 

We had a lovely picnic on the lawn, all sharing in the excitement of our adventures.

The children were delightful when they shared their thoughts of their trip.  

Tapiki: "It was cool, two boy lions and 4 girls". 

Henare: "There were three lionesses on the balance beam". 

Ella: "I like the ROARS". 

There is nothing like adventuring in the community to extend our children's interests and learning, we love having new experiences and seeing new things. Best of all our children flourish when we are having fun as a community.