Exploring Tānemahuta
Our tamariki (children) have been having so much fun exploring Tānamahutā (the god of the forest) and their environment through their senses. Te Whāriki states that the child learns through active exploration of the environment. Our kaiako (teachers) have been supporting a sense of exploration through support, guidance and scaffolding. Providing an environment that sparks interest and excitement in our tamariki and allows them to have fun while they push themselves to new limits.
Music and movement has allowed our tamariki to explore different sounds and feeling rhythm throughout the body. Our tamariki have enjoyed music and movement in their daily play listening and practicing kapa haka.
In the Takaro room we have been discovering dinosaurs, birds & bugs. This has been explored through numeracy and literacy terms, techniques and processes used at school while supporting social competencies and allowing tamariki to work within a group and support each other.
All of the fabulous weather we have been lucky to have throughout March has been great for outdoor exploration. All of our tamariki have been exploring and gaining control and confidence of their bodies through many different area in their play. Testing strength, balance, determination while taking turns and supporting e hoa | friends.
So many great exploration opportunities have been experienced throughout this month and so many more yet to occur in the future.