Fairy tales and storytelling!
We have a new interest in the preschool room at BestStart Halswell Road...
Fairy tales and storytelling!
Kaikao (teachers) have been so excited and extending this in many ways and through many activities. As we key into this new interest we continue to support nga tamariki (the children) with interests we noticed last month - magnetic blocks, role pay and transportation and we incorporate them into a new interest of fairy tales. Our favourite fairy tale is the Three Little Pigs.
Here are some of the learning experiences so far:
Huffing and puffing…
The big bad wolf huffed and puffed down the straw house and the house of sticks… why not the house of bricks? Together we investigated this. Bricks are heavy! We have had so much fun creating our own straw, sticks and “Brick” houses to recreate the story as part of this learning opportunity we used loose parts play materials to huff and puff as see what we could blow away with our big breaths! This developed our working theories of the strength of structures and different objects weights and light and heavy objects. This is also where our love for construction followed on from the month before and we used magnetic blocks to create out own houses and see if we could blow them down.
Playdough pig homes…
We developed our fine motor skills and self-expression with this Three Little Pigs themed Playdough sensory activity. We used coloured stones, twigs and hay to add to our creations. There was a path way around the table and as nga tamariki worked we took turns and told tales of our pigs and their homes we had created.