Father's Day at BestStart Dixon Heights

Father's Day at BestStart Dixon Heights

Father's Day was a special time for us all this year. Activities for our tamariki have been week-long. Our tamariki have been preparing their art creations all week to take home in time for Father's Day on Sunday.

We also had a "Dress as a dad" themed dress-up day. This was a special day, and it was lovely to see all the different outfits that our tamariki and kaiako dressed up in on the day.
It was a great way for our tamariki to take part in these activities to acknowledge the father's and the male role models in their lives.

Our Vision of Love Me, Believe in Me, Teach Me enhances the special bonds and relationships that we have within the centre and makes wonderful links between home and centre life. Our Centre Philosophy also supports these special ties that we encompass as we provide an environment where Manaakitanga and Whanaungatanga are paramount. We provide a place where it is a family environment, where whànau, tamariki and Kaiako are seen as one, a collective to the running of the centre.